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Image by Matt Botsford

Our Vision

The Apostolic Assemblies of Christ, Inc. is a Covenant Fellowship of Pastors and Churches who desire to achieve ministerial excellence, assist in developing churches and serve as refuge for independent churches.This is accomplished through training, mentoring and needed resources that enhance leaders and their churches, Spiritually, Holistically and Financially.


Our Mission

The purpose of the Body of Christ is to disciple individuals unto the Eternal God, our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.  One of the major functions of the Body of Christ is to provide for its integrative growth through the process of preaching and teaching.  This function is clearly stated in Ephesians 4:11-13.


“And He gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers; For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ: Till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ:”

It is imperative through the above ministry that individuals follow the process of the new birth as declared in Acts 2:38.  The lifestyle of a saved individual should depict Holiness unto the Lord with a consecrated life following the principles of the doctrine in Hebrews 6:1-2.

It is our objective to prepare a people without spot, blemish, or wrinkle, to meet our Lord Jesus Christ in the Rapture.  The mission of the Apostolic Assemblies of Christ, Inc. is to provide an organizational framework, which will provide an opportunity for the called, chosen, and sent to maximize their function and enhance their calling.  Our organization is designed and structured for maximum growth.  Each component of this great organization will have clearly definable goals and objectives.

Our ultimate goal is to reach mankind all over the world with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

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Learn more about our founders, Bishop G.M. Boone and Mother Mae Dee Boone.

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Our Leadership is instrumental to the furtherance of the gospel across the nation and around the world. 

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From East to West, North to South, AAofC is Spreading the Word of God.

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Bishop Cooper is the Pastor and Founder of the New Beginning Apostolic Church (Est. January 2000). He's held a variety of offices at the Council and National levels including Southern District Council Chairman, District Elder for the Southern District Council, Vision Keepers of Apostolic Assemblies of Christ, Bishops Board, Executive Board, Board of Trustees, and eventually Board of Trustee Chairman. In December of 2017, our Founder (Bishop G.M. Boone) appointed Bishop Bramlett Cooper to the office of Presiding Bishop and Bishop Isaac Williams as Asst. Presiding Bishop of the Apostolic Assemblies of Christ, Inc.

This We Believe

  • The Apostolic Assemblies of Christ, Inc. believes in One God (St. John 1:1-3, 14, I Timothy 3:16), that Jesus was both God and man without controversy and God was manifested in the flesh.


  • We also believe in the virgin birth of Jesus according to Matthew 1:21-25. "…and His name shall be called Jesus."


  • We believe on Acts 2:38, Repentance and baptism (emerged) in the name of Jesus for the remission of sins and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost, Colossians 3:17 Acts 4:12. There is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved. This is the plan of salvation.


  • We believe at the conception of the New Birth that speaking in tongues as the Spirit of God gives utterance is evidence that His Spirit has come to dwell within. Acts 2:3-4


  • We believe I Corinthians 1:2 we are an Ecclesiastical body called Saints…a holy people, a royal priesthood set apart unto sanctification from the world to propagate the True Word of God that others might believe and react in accordance; to reveal the Oneness of His Deity & live before men a holy and clean life through the word and the power of God, continuously being illuminated out of love and faith towards Him.


  • We believe in the pre-tribulation Rapturing (caught up/out) of the church/The Bride of Christ. I Thessalonians 4:13-17


  • We believe in the Judgment Seat of Christ is for the church. All whom shall attend are saved eternally even though some may suffer loss in regards to their works. I Corinthians 3:3-15


  • We believe in the Millennium (1,000 years), where Christ and His Bride shall reign and rule.


  • We believe that Death and Hell shall be cast into the Lake of Fire, which is God’s eternal judgment and damnation upon those who believe not on His name and reject the truth.


  • We believe in the New Heaven and New Earth to come.

This we believe
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